Waitaia, he āhuru mōwai mā tātou
Nau mai ki Waitaia
Waitaia Lodge opened in 1992 but was conceptualised well before then by the forward-thinking Committee of Management and wider whānau members of the time. There was always a desire to build a place that our people could visit, return to and ultimately connect back to our whenua tuku iho. We are fortunate to have the lodge located right next to Lake Mangaonui which is surrounded by numerous sites of significance that our tūpuna lived and traversed. The early kōrero around establishing Waitaia lodge was always centred around creating a marae-type facility and subsequently went through numerous iterations before a final design was settled on and construction started. What we see today is almost what was created back then. The next phase of Waitaia lodge is ensuring the facilities are around for a further 25 years and exploring opportunities of extending accommodation options. We welcome all of our community to book Waitaia Lodge.

People can sleep here
The Lodge was Established
Subject to Availability
Days of Available Booking