Tui Rolleston Ngamanawa Incorporation Committee of Management

Tui Rolleston

Committee of Management

“Tui is a proud member of our Committee of Management, her vision for Ngamanawa Incorporation is to see it reach all the successes she knows it’s capable of reaching”

Tui joined the Committee of Management in 2014 and she is grateful to be able to contribute to the governance of our Incorporation. 

My career is in the field of education, in-particular kaupapa Māori education. 

As part of the education grants team, I love seeing the huge number of whānau who have been able to benefit from the various Trust grants and employment opportunities.

During my time on the Board, I have learnt a lot about our whenua and the sacrifices made by our tūpuna to protect our whenua for future generations.  This mahi has strengthened my connection to Ngāti Hangarau and I’ve been able to share these learnings with my four tamariki and our wider Roretana whānau.