Tapararo Borell

Ngā Mata Hiringa

"Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua. We're only kaitiaki here, we're here to safeguard things around here. The land will remain but the people will always go, we're only here for a short time so hopefully, we can hand it down to the next generation and make sure they understand the importance of this area"

Tapararo was born and raised in Te Pirirākau, but has hononga to other hapū all throughout Tauranga and Aotearoa whānui. Tapararo never grew up as a bushman, he says that he is a moana man, but continues to learn new things everyday and loves it.

While under Ngā Mata Hiringa, Tapararo has up skilled in biodiversity, biosecurity, conservation, GPS marking, 4WD training and cutting tracks. He says he is a practical man and just ‘getting in to it’ is the best way for him to learn and work.

Tapararo stated “I wouldn’t go anywhere else for mahi – this is my perfect job. The mahi we do is hard work so it’s great for my tinana and my wairua. Being in the ngahere is healing for everything.”