It all begins with an idea.
Lance Gray
Waitaia Lodge Custodian
“My vision for Ngamanawa Ngamanawa is for us to hold more Māori orientated programs at Waitaia Lodge and in our ngahere. These include the art of hunting, trapping, bush survival, carving, weaving, rongoā Māori, whakapapa and sharing our history.”
As the lodge custodian, there are many things for Lance that he loves about Ngamanawa. They include the people he works for (the shareholders), working under the direction and guidance of Tim, and of course his office – Waitaia Lodge.
His advice to rangatahi who would like to be part of the Ngamanawa team in the future would be to listen to the people and take their wishes and desires into consideration when making any decision that may affect them.
Conservation is also something Lance see’s our incorporation being a leader in throughout Tauranga Moana. He toi whakairo, he mana tangata. He wahine te kaitohu i te tapu; he wahine hoki te kaiwhakanoa i te tapu.